Thursday, October 25, 2007

AASL Conference in Reno, Part I

I'm sitting in my room at the Silver Legacy after breakfast as I type this post.
I arrived yesterday on the California Zephyr from Martinez. It was a very pleasant trip across California and I found I could actually enjoy the scenery as we headed up and across the Sierra Nevada which is a lot harder to do when you're driving.
On the train were two colleagues from San Mateo, Kris Cannon, the retired LMT from Mills High School and Judy Moomaugh, the county library coordinator. We had a great time sharing recent experiences and ideas which made the trip go all the more quickly.
The Conference officially starts today with a First Timers Orientation at 12:30 which I'll attend. There is a shuttle to the Convention Center which is about 3.5 miles south of downtown where we're staying. Later today I'll hear the conference keynoter, Dan Pink, the author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future. That is also the book which all conference attendees are supposed to have read. I actually cheated by watching a video presentation which Pink recorded last year just to get his basic ideas down. But I do have the book with me and will take notes and report back in a future post.
Also this afternoon I plan on checking in on the Exploratorium, an exhibit of "learning stations that exemplify best practices in school librarianship." And the exhibit hall will open this evening. It's the location where I'll be spending a lot of time over the next few days talking to vendors and picking free goodies.
I'm heading off now and will probably sign on again this evening with and update.

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