Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Being Away Too Long

It's been a while since I've added a post. It's not that I haven't been busy--maybe too busy--but really I need to motivate myself to add to the blog on a more regular basis.

Report to the Board of Trustees
So--the three librarians in the Tam District are going to do a report to the local Board of Trustees this evening. Until last year we had turned in our regular annual report to the Supt. for Curriculum and Instruction and she/he had presented it to the Board for their approval which had been required by state law to receive state funding. When the funding dried up, the requirement to officially approve the plan(s) was not seen as a necessity but the Board did like to see the reports and plans regularly. Last year our new supt. decided that it would be good if the librarians made a personal appearance so that's what we did. Even though only two of us could be there, the presentation went very well. The Board was engaged, asked good questions, and challenged us to keep up the good work we were doing.

Tonight all three of us will be there. We don't really have a presentation. We will point out some specifics of each of our reports and answer Board members' questions.

Since we're already halfway through the year it always seems a bit odd to be making "plans" for the current year but I guess no time is ideal. Planning seems to be on-going and never-ending which is OK.

I promise to report back soon on what happened at the Board meeting.

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