Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Library Named One of the 7 Wonders

As mentioned earlier, the recently published Log, the yearbook of Redwood High School, had as its theme this year "The Seven Wonders of Redwood."

Named as "Wonders" were the spirit ball, the senior parking area, the new lunch plaza, the library, new gym and pool, the amphitheatre, and Mount Tamalpais.

When I talked to the yearbook advisor about the process used to pick these seven things, she said that the easiest one to pick was the library. The kids had started out wanting to name the librarian but decided that the library would be a better choice. It's really great to hear that they value both the staff and the library program at Redwood. As at most schools, it's not every day that we get feedback on the value of the library to students. So we say thanks!

Each section of the yearbook is headed by a two-page spread which speaks a bit more to one of the wonders. The Library heads the section on Academics which has photos of the staff and each of the departments as well as club pictures.
The copy which accompanies the spread reads as follows:

From dawn 'til dusk, Monday through Friday, August to June, the rooms of Redwood are filled with minds at work. We keep ourselves busy for all four years with everything from English 1-2 and AP Chemistry to Drama. Starting out as Freshmen we wander the halls, peering into Junior and Senior classrooms, and waiting for our turn to take those more exciting classes. We are offered a wide variety of challenging and intellectually rewarding classes. However, through our years at Redwood High School, one place remains the same for all: the library.
Whether we are looking for books, doing some last minute homework, picking up the IJ [local newspaper] or just hanging out before the bell rings, the library remains a constant at the center of our school: a meeting place that is always there and offers everything we need as students.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Two Things

One of the Seven Wonders of Redwood
Last week my assistant got her hands on a preview copy of our annual, the Log. The theme this year is "The Seven Wonders of Redwood." And guess what one of the "Wonders" is? Yes, the Library.
It was really neat to see that the kids value the Bessie Chin Library and it's programs. The introductory article says the following: "Always a blessed place in our hearts, the library serves as a resource for students: providing computers, fiction and nonfiction books, and presentations from our librarians. The library is in constant use for studying after school and during lunch." It's always great getting unsolicited praise, especially from the students.

The Draft District Mission Statement
Yesterday at Instructional Council we got our first look at the District's new draft Mission Statement. Here it is in full:

-- The Tamalpais Union High School District is dedicated to the development of passionate, self-motivated learners.
-- Upon graduation, students will be prepared to become engaged citizens who contribute individually and collaboratively to address the challenges of a dynamic, interdependent world.
-- To these ends, all students will demonstrate mastery of core competencies and will be offered meaningful learning experiences to enable them to access and critically analyze information, pose substantive questions, and communicate effectively.

The important words to me are highlighted above. Our current Mission Statement does not mention anything about information skills or competency so I see this as a real step forward for the library programs in the District.
I know that one Trustee who I have talked to extensively about these issues had a strong hand in making sure that such language was included in the Statement.