Thursday, July 19, 2007

National San Chung Senior High School

Today's school visit was to National San Chung Senior High School. A school with three grades (10-12) and 2000 students. Once again the school was quite large and multi-storied. The library overlooks the central garden and comprises 3 floors. Total area is over 32000 sq. ft. As you might imagine there a was a lot of open space. Three staff members (two certificated and one clerical) run the library along with student volunteers. There were an number students present so we could get a better idea of students' use of the library. The school is just ten years old and is considered one of the top schools in Taiwan. 30-some computer stations on the main floor which also housed the circulation desk, various offices, the periodical collection and a couple audiovisual viewing rooms. Upstairs was a large open study area, the open stacks, an art gallery, an area for staff use and a meeting room called "Socrates Sky" in Chinese. The library's name translates to "Perfumed Ink Library." Though the signs were all in Chinese and English we were told that the Chinese names were much more poetical than the rather mundane English versions. Above the study hall area there was a very large "lounge" with tables arranged beside a long curving bank of windows overlooking the schools playing fields.
A slide presentation was given to all of the visitors and we were presented with numerous gifts. I didn't have to represent the group this time!
Present were the principal the library director, the person in charge of information and media, the building's architect and several student volunteers serving as guides.
San Chung was all in all a very impressive display of what a library media center can be.


librarymum said...

Hi Tom in Taiwan,

What fun to find you on my Google reader and see this new blog and your album as well. You answered a question for me, without meaning to. I was wondering where Lesley Farmer was in the world and you provided me with a picture. Thanks! My husband and I visited Taiwan in the 70s and it sounds like it has grown since then. It is fun and interesting to read your posts. I'll keep reading. I would also like to hear how your presentation on the OPAC comes out. As a former cataloger, I am reading the current discussions about catalogs with interest. Have fun!
Janet HasB (aka Librarymum)

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

What a great travel blog! I feel as though I'm on the journey with you! Thanks for the "heads up" about your blog.
- Jackie